First-Quarter “Safe-Harbor” Quarterly IRS Estimated Tax Payments: Why and How to Make Them

For years, we have stressed the importance to our clients of making quarterly estimated tax payments. And unlike many tax preparers, we also do bookkeeping, accounting, and consulting for our small business owners — so we’ve also encouraged them to have us do a quarter-by-quarter calculation of how much to pay.

There were many reasons for this:
· Making sure the client had their books up-to-date and reconciled for the quarter, so they can be used for real-time managerial decisions;
· Matching the cash flow of a given quarter (or the actual sales and vendor invoices, for accrual-basis clients) to the related tax liability;
· Preventing the common situation of getting to tax-time and having a huge refund or balance due.

However, times have changed. We still want folks to make quarterly payments (see my related IRS & Illinois posts for how to do it online), but for the first quarter, at least, we’re asking everyone to use “safe-harbor” calculations.

Why Use 1Q Safe-Harbor Calculations Instead of Annualizing?

For one, the immense number of changes to our tax code since the Tax Cuts & Jobs Act (TCJA) took effect in 2018 has made tax planning substantially more complex than it used to be. The amount of time it takes to do a “back of the envelope” or “paper napkin” calculation has tripled. (And in case you’re curious — we use tax software and Excel, not used envelopes and paper napkins in our firm. That’s how you know you’re working with a real professional.) Both the effort involved and the cost to the client have increased accordingly.

Relatedly, first-quarter estimated tax payments are due on the same day as personal 1040 and C-Corp 1120 taxes are due. And since our tax-time work is a deeper dive than it used to be, and the estimated tax calculations are more complex as well, there simply isn’t enough time to do a full-on calculation for each and every client that requests it — at least, not if we also want to be well-rested and in good health, so we can do our very best on the remaining annual tax returns.

There’s good news, too, however — the state of Illinois — and many other states, used legislation to create a loophole for getting around a pesky TCJA limitation on the State And Local Tax (SALT) deduction. I won’t explain it all here, but the result is that all of our S-Corp and Partnership (aka “Pass-Through Entity”, or PTE) clients are paying their personal state taxes through the company. This is a very easy and predictable calculation, as Illinois charges a flat tax (not socially progressive, but it certainly is simple) and requires the annual liability to be divided by four and paid evenly across the quarterly deadlines.

(Side note: the deadlines are not actually quarterly. Due to the timing of the federal government’s fiscal year-end and individuals’ calendar year-end, they are skewed such that they’re not even the same number of months per quarter. You would think that of all the government departments that could count properly, it’d be the IRS, but apparently not. The due dates are 4/15, 6/15, 9/15 and 1/15 — though many are better off making the final state tax payment by 12/31.)

As a result, quarterly calculations for the state simply aren’t necessary for the first quarter (possibly even the first three quarters, depending). Given that the states seem to live for assessing penalties and interest for underpayment of estimated taxes (they are wildly aggressive about it), this is the best approach to take.

But it’s not just the states that issue penalties and interest for underpayment of taxes — the IRS does, as well. Much less aggressively, however, and they do still have the notion (that the new Illinois PTE tax law does not) of “annualizing” your quarterly taxes. This means that you presume the amount you made year-to-date is representative of the whole year, and paying quarterly tax based on that projection. It works great for small business owners who have lower income in the first three-quarters of the year and then make most of their profit in the final quarter.

Just to be clear: we still do this for our clients… but we wait until the second or third quarter, and in some unusual cases, we wait until November and then do a thorough analysis of the year thus far. It’s just that there’s little point in running these calculations for the first quarter anymore — it’s almost never representative of the rest of the year, and it places them into a precarious situation where they may end up underpaying by too much and then owing penalties and interest. Or, at the very least, having to pay us at tax-time to fill out the complicated annualization schedule on the tax return. If you want to be more accurate with your calculation, because you expect your income to be substantially higher or lower than last year, then ask to book a May tax-planning session to get squared-up for the 2Q payment, due June 15.

Last, but not least — we’ve decided to have all our clients commit to a monthly bookkeeping and accounting contract with us. Doing annual clean-ups during tax season simply is no longer sustainable (to be honest I’m not sure it ever was, which is one of many reasons so many CPAs are burned out), and isn’t cost-effective. It’s also not fair to our other clients — who are on a monthly schedule — to have to wait in line while we work on those who swing through just once-a-year. And most importantly, we truly believe that all small business owners should be looking at their financial statements regularly to help them make impactful decisions throughout the year — ones that can sometimes be the difference between turning a profit or enduring a loss. And since everyone will be on a monthly schedule, the motivation no longer exists to do quarterly reviews for estimated tax purposes, purely as a way to get clients motivated to catch up on their books.

Where To Find Your Safe-Harbor Amounts and How To Pay Them

If you’re a client of ours, or of pretty much any tax professional out there, calculating safe-harbor quarterly estimates can and should be a part of preparing your annual tax return.

After reviewing and signing your return, your CPA (or EA, JD or non-credentialed preparer) will e-file it, and once it’s accepted by the IRS and state agencies, they will either send over vouchers (which I wouldn’t bother using, because we want to pay taxes online almost every time that’s an option), or a list of required payments — whether that’s in a letter or a little chart form where you can check ’em off. However you get them — put them in your calendar now. Do not rely on your tax preparer to remind you. This is not their job. You are a grown person running your own business, surrounded by technology that is designed for precisely this kind of thing.

While you’re at it, save these links for instructions on how to pay online:
– IRS: How To Pay IRS Quarterly Estimated Taxes Online — Don’t Let Your Checks Get Buried Or Lost In The Mail (
– Illinois: How To Make Quarterly Estimated Taxes Online — Illinois IDOR | The Dancing Accountant

And if you’re in a panic and can’t find the amounts, the general rule is that you want to pay 1/4th-ish of your total tax liability for the prior year (a bit higher for some states, such as Illinois). Again, if we do your taxes, you should have already received these totals for 2024, or will be receiving them as soon as your return is finalized.

Frequently Asked Questions

1) What if I have an extension?
Two options here: a) provide your tax preparer all the docs you already have and ask them to do their best to give you an estimate; they can even add that to the amount you’ll need to pay with an extension — which means if your extension payment estimate is short, the 1Q estimate will make up the difference, and either way, you’ll just apply the balance to the current tax year; or, b) go ahead and keep paying the same amount you paid for last year’s quarterly taxes; some payment is better than none.

2) What if I don’t have a tax preparer?
All the DIY tax programs out there can do this, too — they’re not very helpful for the tax planning that we do with our clients for 2Q & 3Q, and certainly not for 4Q — but they do a perfectly fine job with safe-harbor estimates. Alternatively, check out my colleague Hannah Smolinski‘s great YouTube primer on how to calculate estimated taxes.

And since you asked, here’s a fabulous photo of Hannah and me at QuickBooks ConnectFest.

3) What if I can’t afford to pay my quarterly estimates?
Pro tip: Did you know you can break your quarterly payment into smaller chunks? Let’s say you owe $2400 per quarter and you’re worried that you won’t have enough set aside by the time the due date arrives, because it’s so hard not to raid your own savings account when opportunities call. Just go online and pay $800 per month instead. Or $200 per week. It gets tricky with the weird quarterly tax due dates, but you are a smart cookie and can figure out the math. The point is that you don’t have to save it all up and then make the payment. If you have cash on hand, you can go in there now and do it while it’s on your mind, even if it’s a partial payment. Something is better than nothing.

4) What if I forgot to pay for a quarter?
Go in there and make a payment now. The penalties are per day, so the sooner you make up the difference the better.

5) What if I have additional questions about the process?
Throw whatever you can at the quarterly estimates and contact a CPA to help you… after Tax Day. Please be respectful of the plight of tax preparers right now. It will not serve you long-term to try to wedge yourself onto someone’s calendar last-minute: almost all the good ones had a deadline for submitting tax materials weeks ago; we’re all exhausted and likely to make mistakes this time of year if we’re taking on too much and not taking care of ourselves; and you want to start off on a good foot when building a relationship with a trusted advisor. The amount of penalties and interest that will be due if you underpay slightly is not that significant if you’re going to be making up the difference in a month, so just pay what you can and get on-track later.

Now, get yourself online and go make those first-quarter safe-harbor quarterly tax payments, already!

If this or any other posts on the website were useful to you, and your financial situation permits it, please consider contributing to my tip jar. Ths allows me to continue to provide free accounting resources to small businesses who do not have the funds available to hire a CPA.

Tax Preparers Rejoice! Here’s How To Prepare SECURE 2.0 Form 8881 Retirement Tax Credit If You Use Gusto & Guideline

Photo by coco tafoya on Unsplash

As my readers and colleagues know, I’m a huge proponent of leveraging technology to remove the drudgery from our jobs and those of our small business clients. We all have enough on our plates already!

As a CPA whose company works with loads of small businesses that need to process payroll, I’ve used quite a few payroll systems through the years… and Gusto has become our favorite. It’s not without its quirks and issues, but overall it does a great job for a great price, and — key for the work we do — it syncs nicely with QuickBooks Online, as well as with Guideline Retirement, saving us oodles of time that we used to spend on benefit reconciliations. (In my recent MSN article about choosing the best state-mandated small business employee retirement plan solution, I cite this as one of the main reasons to go with Guideline.)

This week, I discovered a gift that Gusto created for tax preparers with clients that use the Gusto+Guideline combo — a reporting tool that will literally prepare the Form 8881 “Credit for Small Employer Pension Plan Startup Costs” for you. No joke. And it works!

I want to shout it from the rooftops, because it’s a massive timesaver. The previous SECURE Act credit was super-easy to claim, but this year, the Form 8881 was updated for SECURE 2.0 to include loads of information that most CPA firms are simply not going to have access to — not only current tax-year payroll information, but prior-year data on a per-employee basis; as well as information on how many employees qualified to participate (whether or not they actually participated), again both in 2022 and in 2023.

It was such a balm on my tired tax-preparing soul to know that they were looking out for us and trying to make our lives better through technology. The only thing I can’t figure out is why no one told me about it sooner. (Honestly, I randomly stumbled on it when I went into my own Gusto account to run weekly payroll.)

Not only did we end up using these reports for our own tax clients, but we also sent them over to our colleagues who prepare the tax returns for certain bookkeeping clients of ours, to help them out. And now we’re superstars to them. In fact, here’s a great idea for all the bookkeepers reading: run this report for all your clients, prepare a zip file for each of the tax preparation firms you work with, and send them this beautiful present all tied up with a pretty virtual bow. I’m always talking about collaboration and co-firming between bookkeepers and CPAs (come see me this June at Scaling New Heights for “The Tax-Ready Bookkeeper”) and this is a great example of it! Who do you think they’re going to recommend when a tax client needs accounting and bookkeeping assistance? You!

Keep in mind that these reports are only accurate if a) the client was on Gusto and Guideline, and b) were on them both for all of 2023.

These are the steps I walked through and the screens I clicked on to make this magic happen.

  1. Sign into Gusto and go into a client that used Gusto+Guideline for all of 2023. (No other payroll, no other retirement company.)
  2. On the left side bar, click on “Tax credits”.

3. Under “Available credits”, find the one that says “401(k) tax credit” and click the “Learn more” button.

4. Check out the overview and the FAQ, and then click the “Get started” button.

5. Fill out the short questionnaire. The information below was correct for my own company, but may not be the same answers for yours or for your clients, so make sure to answer accurately. Then click the “Continue” button.

6. At this point, Gusto will provide you with the amount of the credit, as well as all the information you need to prepare the Form 8881. Review it carefully. This is particularly important if you have employees who are not represented in Gusto because you are using another payroll provider simultaneously. And as I mentioned above, if the client switched retirement companies from another provider to Guideline part-way through the year, this information will not be accurate. Once you’ve reviewed the data, then click the “Generate credit form” button at the bottom of the page.

7. On the next screen, you will have two options:

If you click the “Download” button it gives you an incredible PDF with not only all the information you need to know to prepare the 8881, but a copy of the IRS form itself, filled-out exactly as it should be, according to their records + Guideline’s records.

If you click “Review Details” (to the right of the amount of your credit) you’ll get a screen pop-up from the right that you can scroll through to review the same information they noted above. From here, you can click “Reset credit form” if some of the information looks incorrect and you need to edit the questionnaire, or simply click “Close” if you’re done.

That’s it. It was simply that easy. The process of figuring out all this information prior to discovering Gusto’s beautiful gift took about two hours — which doesn’t count the digging through reports in Gusto and Guideline to figure out which ones told us what we needed to know, reaching out to Guideline support and asking for a custom report to be generated for each client that would show which employees qualified (turns out they are completely unaware that Gusto has this great resource, too — someone should definitely let them know)… and it definitely doesn’t count the ridiculous amount of time we spent figuring it out for our last remaining ADP client hold-outs — their reports can’t even be exported into Excel! PDF-only, you heard me. I’ve been warning those two clients for years that one day I’m going to issue an ultimatum. That day might be coming soon.

One small glitch: for some clients, it shows an extra month of Guideline service fee payments compared to what is in QuickBooks Online, which I think is simply a timing issue. It’s also a small-enough amount that if it gets claimed in 2023 instead of 2024, that’s not a huge deal. However, we manually edited ours accordingly, and hope that this gets cleaned up for next tax year.

And while we’re here — did you know that our Gusto referral link will get you a $100 prepaid Visa card when you sign up and run your first paid payroll? Or — $200 if you have over 10 employees! And for accountant partners, signing up through this link will earn you $500 once you’ve added and run payroll for three clients. Next year, you too can be reveling in the glory of pre-prepared small business retirement credits!

If this or any other posts on the website were useful to you, and your financial situation permits it, please consider contributing to my tip jar. Ths allows me to continue to provide free accounting resources to small businesses who do not have the funds available to hire a CPA.