Comparing Income, Corporate, Capital Gains Tax Rates: 1916-2011

I recently rediscovered a pretty fascinating chart I originally found a couple years back (when looking for holiday presents for my father — yes, I was born a nerd and came by it honestly), comparing various top tax rates through history.  It only contains data up through 2011, but I’m hopeful the author, Catherine Mulbrandon, will update it again at some point.  All of her graphics are pretty interesting — clear and to-the-point — and her Visualizing Economics blog is worth a visit whether you’re an economics nerd or a graphic design nerd.

Reminder: your marginal tax rate is the rate you pay on the “last dollar” you earn; but when you view the taxes you paid as a percentage of your income, your effective tax rate is less than your marginal rate, especially after you take into account the deductions and exemptions, i.e. income that is not subject to any tax.

Source: Comparing Income, Corporate, Capital Gains Tax Rates: 1916-2011 — Visualizing Economics

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